The latest news at F1 Hoverpod Racing is surrounding the contraversy over the comments about "ugly patches". By this I do not mean locations in the world or birth marks etc. The comments refer to the use of unsightly or ugly sticky patches designed to mask over the inherent fault in the hull design of some cheaper Hovercraft. All of which can be rectified but not by simply masking over the clearly admissable problem.
All vehicles no matter who designed or manufactured them have to be tested to some degree and even the very latest designs sometime show up faults, "lets face it", even the Titanic had a fault which didn't show up untill it was too late. The real issue is how to deal with the fault and at this point we may well differ. I notice that modern shipping does not deal with the fault by sticking patches on the hull, so why then do the less credible manufacturers of Hovercraft ?.
The only true and honest answere is to re-design the whole structure and research will provide the correct materails to use and that is where F1 Hoverpod Racing leades the rest behind in it's ability to determine what the market really requires and who are the very best in the world at providing the latest technology to provide F1 Hoverpod Manufacture with the result thats demanded and required. To that end, I make no appology for the Ugly Patches comment except to say that if you want patches they cleary are out their. "I found them here".
Team Manager
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