Saturday, 27 March 2010

News and Official Press Release

I made you all a promisse for 2010 to which I will do my very best to keep to. The promisse was to inform you when news or official Press Release was cleared to publish.

I can now confirm that I have full permission to publish that in 2009 F1 Hoverpod Racing applied for Trade Mark Status and Official Registration of the word Hoverpod in Australia to support its Registration in the UK gained some time ago. It was confirmed officially by the Trade Mark Office in Australia that after lots of negotiation and complying with rules etc, the Trade Mark Hoverpod was recognised and fully accepted in Australia which now pathes the way for the proposed expansion in Asutralia.

Keep watchin for up dates and future Press Release's soon.

Team Manager

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

News at F1 Hoverpod Racing in the Spring of 2010

Many positive things to bring you all up to spec with this month.
Firstly, to all our twitter followers who now post so many jokes and funnies our way, thank you. They have been quite amusing and for those who wish to join in, our “Twitter” site is at
The in-box has had lots of those usual comments this month in regards to the “All New Fan/Propeller Blade” which is presently being tested at a well known University, the results are extremely encouraging at this stage and all will be revealed when the Technical Team sign off......................... Be patient !!!!, it will be worth it.
The huge surge of interest from the Far East is still without doubt wonderful and yes it is true that we have taken a supporting partner from the world of Brewing Beer on board. If you need to know who, go check out the web site at and seek out the partners link.
Finally, yes we did win the joke competition at the Sun Newspaper to which Gaunty gave us two tickets to the Cheltenham Festival and I for one wish to say a “Big Thank You” for the kind and wonderful day out. “It was just was needed”.

All the best

Team Manager

News at F1 Hoverpod Racing in March 2010

Many positive things to bring you all up to spec with this month.

Firstly, to all our twitter followers who now post so many jokes and funnies our way, thank you. They have been quite amusing and for those who wish to join in, our “Twitter” site is at

The in-box has had lots of those usual comments this month in regards to the “All New Fan/Propeller Blade” which is presently being tested at a well known University, the results are extremely encouraging at this stage and all will be revealed when the Technical Team sign off......................... Be patient !!!!, it will be worth it.
The huge surge of interest from the Far East is still without doubt wonderful and yes it is true that we have taken a supporting partner from the world of Brewing Beer on board. If you need to know who, go check out the web site at and seek out the partners link.
Finally, yes we did win the joke competition at the Sun Newspaper to which Gaunty gave us two tickets to the Cheltenham Festival and I for one wish to say a “Big Thank You” for the kind and wonderful day out. “It was just was needed”.

All the best

Team Manager