Wednesday, 10 February 2010

2010 and all is Well

It’s been a long and very hard winter here in the North of England and despite the experts constantly telling us about global warming, it’s snowing outside and I’m freezing.

However, I understand our supporters and friends in Australia are suffering a heat wave in Perth. “I have no sympathy as I’m sick with jealousy”.

Here at F1HP the progress and start of the year often gets off to a slow start and we are no exception. However it’s good news on the fan blade developments and whilst I’m under constraints not to say too much, we have some news graphics being produced to which will be posted shortly on the web site and form part of the new brochure.

I wish to thank you all for pointing out that and had not been working, whilst I’m not 100% sure, I am informed there were some problems with the server and all will be fully functioning by the end of this week............ ”I hope” !!!.
I did make a promise that I would keep you informed of the progress in regards to the liable comments on the internet, I understand now why they who are alleged to be posting them are so worried about their own future, see below.

Follow the link to Companies House then use the search to locate company number 04132578 and request Company Accounts & Annual Returns

It is my understanding that the customer who carries the vendetta against these people were well known to them and are now suffering from the experience of buying from them. Both Steve & Andy lost their business as a direct result of the reliability and warranty of this company. However, our research department has obtained a copy of the annual accounts and returns of this company and the recommendation was “Not worth taking action” as they have no assets and too many creditors. In total there is a deficit of over £600.000.00 and no way of repaying the debt, as such it looks like a question of possible trading illegally and I prefer to say let them hang themselves.

Keep the interest and comments flowing, they truly are an inspiration.

Team Manager